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How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

Created: 11/28/17

Replies: 20

Posted Nov. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
pauj's Gravatar

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How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I wasn't aware that Chrisian Science called for healing by prayer ONLY. I did a little reading afterwards, and will probably read more. There is a 'beyond the book' entry for this book that I read after I read the book.

Posted Nov. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I'm old enough that I've read a number of news stories over the years where Christian Science parents have been prosecuted for refusing or denying medical treatment to their children. So I found that part of the novel believable. Likewise, the willful misinterpretation of reality, when what we see is at odds with what we want to believe....

That's not to say I believe every set of CS parents would respond the same way. I have a friend who was raised as a Christian Scientist, but left that faith after she became a parent.

Posted Nov. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

For those interested, here is a link to our Beyond the Book article:

Posted Nov. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

It is believable and very subtly addressed. I had a friend die in a similar situation when I was 7. It was difficult for my parents to explain how our beliefs differed and why we would ask a doctor to help us if something happened in our family.

Posted Nov. 28, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I know enough for the story to be believable. There have been local news reports about similar situations.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I was well aware of the beliefs of Christian Scientists before reading, and thus I thought that what happened to Paul was clearly possible and believable. Articles such as your "Beyond the Book" have been available, and similar situations have been posted in local and national news. Regardless, I guess I just kept expecting Patra to do something, as she seemed so uncertain or perhaps less committed to the beliefs - at least until Leo came onto the scene.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I have worked years in health care and have seen several examples where the courts had to intervene for a childs treatment. The outcome was the same every time - the child responded, the parents were devastated and in each case the child was eventually removed from the home. What a tragedy for all including the child, parents and social system.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

Quite a bit. The girl next door when I was growing up, about 8 or 9, went into a diabetic coma because her parents refused to treat her symptoms. The family was Christian Science. I have also been to Principia College in Elsah IL. I've visited the "Mother Church" in Boston and been to Mary Baker Eddy"s grave site in Boston. The Church is worth a visit, especially the Globe room.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

From what I knew about Christian Science before I read this book, I did find it believable. As a parent, I still found it hard to accept and understand why they wouldn't seek medical attention for Paul.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/30/17

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I actually knew quite a bit about this religion. I’ve read several books about it and have heard of multiple incidents of children dying because the parents refused to treat an illness. It it absolutely horrifying to me.

Posted Nov. 29, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I knew quite a bit about Christian Science since my friend is a teacher and healer in her Church. I also had a friend who was raised in the religion, and denied treatment for her diabetes as a child and later left the religion in order to seek help from doctors. I have also read Mary Baker Eddy's book. The situation in this book is completely believable, having happened many times.

Posted Nov. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I know a little about Christian Science. I was very frustrated with weak-willed Petra. She should have saved her son but yes I do believe what happened to Paul is credible.

Posted Nov. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/27/17

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I knew that Christian Scientists believe that illness is an illusion that can be healed by prayer alone. With this being stated, the story is VERY believable.

Posted Dec. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

Yes, what happened to Paul is believable considering the strength of Leo's beliefs. I'm not convinced that Patra was as devout. If she had not been with Leo, I think she would have taken Paul for medical treatment. A very sad situation for all.

Posted Dec. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I had a limited knowledge of Christian Science to the point of understanding that medical intervention is not something that is favored. Leo was a devout believer; Patra tried to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude-to the point of exhaustion and some self denial -to keep her son alive. She did seek medical inquiry when Paul was in preschool, but did not follow up. What happened to Paul is believable.

Posted Dec. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I know what Christian Science is, but I didn't have an understanding of WHY believers do not seek medical treatment. I first met someone who was a Christian Scientist in high school. She was maybe two years ahead of me in school and had never been to a doctor in her life. I found that very odd, because my mom worked at a hospital when I was growing up so I spent a lot of time around doctors, nurses, etc. Additionally, my dad had a major heart attack when I was in elementary school and spent weeks in the ICU. I also developed kidney problems when I was a freshman in high school that went undiagnosed for several years. I was referred to doctors in various specialties (from the pediatrician to gynecology, urology, and eventually nephrology) before they realized the issue was my kidneys, so hearing about someone who never went to a doctor was completely foreign to me.

The story seemed very realistic to me. Every now and then, there is a story that makes national news about parents refusing cancer treatment for their child because they don't believe in medicine and they think prayer will cure the child. They generally end up in prison. (Additionally, it seemed like Leo and Patra were running from something, because they suddenly bought a cabin in the woods and admit to wanting to get away for a while. I had to wonder whether they had neighbors/friends/family members who were questioning them for not seeking help for Paul, and I also questioned how sick Paul already was before they moved to Minnesota.

Posted Dec. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/01/16

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I know of their beliefs about healing so yes what happened to Paul is very believable.

Posted Dec. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/14/11

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I knew some about the religion but nothing in depth. This book did not add a significant new knowledge. I know the story had lots of subtle touches but this was poorly developed.

Posted Dec. 04, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 12/04/17

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I knew nothing about Christian Science except the few times someone of their faith hits the newspapers for doing something that is totally unorthodox in contemporary society....I know about the beliefs in healing in other faiths but information about Paul was not developed enough for me to believe or not believe. If I had to choose, I guess I would accept it.

Posted Dec. 07, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/13/11

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I did know that Christian Sciences do not believe in doctors or medical care. I believe that is was caused the death of Paul.

Posted Dec. 09, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/17/12

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RE: How much did you know about Christian Science before reading this book? If you did know something, is what happened to Paul believable?

I did know about Christian Science and the refusal of medical care therefore making the story believable. While one is respectful and tolerant of other's religious beliefs it is very difficult to understand especially when it comes to a child. I think this point is illustrated when Patra makes an inquiry. I do not think that she is as committed to her faith as Leo. Perhaps if Leo had not returned the situation would have changed. Not sure Patra was a strong enough person to challenge Leo. Could Linda and Patra together have made a difference if Leo had not come home? Could have they changed the outcome. Is this part of Linda's struggle as an adult?


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